Summer Camps
June | Monday – Friday | 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Instructor: Shelly Miller Leer plus 1 instructional assistant
Capacity: 10
Ages: 7-11
This week we’ll be diving deep into all things textiles. Campers will get a feel for operating the sewing machine, block printing and tie dyeing. Getting a handle on these three skills will open up endless creative possibilities and keep you busy all summer long and beyond. Once you feel confident with your new textile skills, you’ll be able to cleverly design and create amazing things for yourself, your friends, your family, and even your pet. We build skills here. After camp is over, you’ll have a brand new skill set, as well as the curiosity and desire to maintain your own individual creative practice. But why do it alone? Invite your friends, start building your own community of Textile Makers.
Since Tuesday is Flag Day, we’ll be creating your own signature flag using a grommet setting tool to install grommets to hang your flag.
Skills You’ll Acquire
- project planning and design
- workshop and tool safety
- use of tools, sewing machine, grommet setter, block printing brayer, etc.
- problem solving
- respect for others
- communicating ideas clearly to others
- collaboration
- taking care of tools
- clean up
Daily Schedule:
- 8:45-9:15 Arrive
- 9:15-9:30 Daily Intro and Demo
- 9:30-10:45 Morning Workbench
- 10:00 Snack
- 10:15 Workbench
- 11:30-12:00 Lunch
- 12:00-1:00 Free Play. Canterbury Park, weather permitting.
- 1:00-2:30 Afternoon Workbench
- 2:30 Shop Clean Up
- 2:45 End of Day Ideas
- 3:00 See Your Tomorrow