Next Up: 3 Day Upholstery Bootcamp

So you’re ready to admit you’re an addict, eh? Well, don’t feel bad, we all are. Four out of five students admit they have a chair problem by the end of Day 1 of Bootcamp. What’s this all about? I can only speak for myself, but I know what my own chair addiction stems from the addcition to the hunt and imagining how I can transform a piece. What about you?

Bootcamp at HomeRoom is where we dig in and figure out our issues like this. The end goals is that you accept your addiction, you understand it comes from your basic love of unique chairs. Nothing’s wrong with that. The need to save, too. We get it and we’re here for you. Come and meet your people.  Spaces are limited in our HomeRoom studio, but there are more than enough spaces available for you in our widely popular online version of Chair Up! Upholstery Bootcamp. We’ve got your back coming and going.