Flipping Furniture: An Online Business Course Coming Soon

The easiest thing in the world for a person to teach is something they’ve been doing for over 25 years, wouldn’t you agree? Well, spring chickens, I’ve spent that many years building an upholstery/DIY/writing/teaching/online video course business. Now it’s time for me to teach you everything I learned so that you are armed with all you need to build your own form of a furniture business. I’ve truly done it all. Long ago a friend told me that the thing I should always keep in mind is that one thing leads to another in a creative career. At that time I was designing and creating ottomans and benches and thought that’s what I’d be doing forever.  Once she told me that, I realized that the beauty of a creative business is that it’s impossible to stand still. It’s like trying to keep wearing shoes you’ve outgrown. You simply must grow and evolve. When I realized that, my career moved forward naturally and easily as if suddenly unshackled.FlippingFurnitureTwins

Fast forward to today. I’m writing, teaching online courses, visiting upholsterers in the UK, running a live teaching studio and writing a book (or two, or three). I could have never foreseen that this would be how my business would look at this time. Another key piece of wisdom for me was that sharing what you know doesn’t hurt your bottom line. In fact, it expands your horizons. That doesn’t mean you have to give away the unique secrets that are yours and yours alone. At least until you’re ready to do that. But sharing means connecting and connecting means learning new stuff, meeting new people, getting inspired; and all of those things fill the creative persons soul with satisfaction and joy.

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With all of that being said, I’m excited to announce a brand new ONLINE COURSE I’m creating specifically for you who are revamping, refurbishing, upholstering, painting, repurposing, redecorating, upcycling, or anything else that involves building a profit generating business component from buying and reselling vintage furniture, and more specifically a business with an upholstering aspect.

Since this brand new course is online, you can learn at your own convenience and in your own space. This is the only course of its kind designed to help you choose the work that fits your skills, determine your style, find your market, price your products, establish your sources, take it from a hobby to a bonafide business, and more.


As a student, you’ll get to hear the business stories from Furniture Flippers from around the world and how they’ve created their own unique businesses that all have upholstery as an important component.

If this is exactly the information you’ve been looking for, then sign up to get all of the latest updates about the course.   We’ll keep you up to date on signup dates, early bird pricing and other juicy tidbits that will get you moving in the right direction. I’ve taken and taught many online courses and I guarantee this will be chock full of information, tips, tricks and strategies you’ve never even considered.

Below, my good buddy Paul Behen, traditional upholsterer extraordinaire, came to one of our bootcamps a few years back. I had this ugly old Goodwill chair for him to reupholster. I think I paid $3.00 for it and I broke even by charging him the same. But he flipped this ugly dog and turned it into a mod little lounge chair, and then turned around and sold it up in Chicago at one of their many weekend markets. Turning a tidy little profit, as I understand it. You can see Paul’s meticulous work at Industrial Cottage on Facebook.



I won’t sugar coat it. Flipping furniture is hard work, but I can teach you the lessons I learned the hard way that will streamline and quicken the development of your own niche market and formula for profitable ‘flips’.

Sign up over there in the right hand sidebar to receive all the latest updates on class registration and real time curriculum development.