Before and After Roman Bovine Beauty

One fun aspect to fiddling around on Instagram during odd hours is that you discover people all over the world who are doing the same things you like to do. Less than a year ago, I discovered Nia Sayers, founder and owner of Summerland Style, an upholstery shop about an hour north of Seattle. She’s been doing upholstery for over ten years. Up until October she was working out of her house like so many of us have done. In October of 2015, she opened her own shop outside of her home. That’s a huge step, but brings along so much credibility, as well as new opportunities.

Before Picture of Cowhide chair

Nia gets help from hubby Scott who shares her passion for delicious vintage finds. She has proven that the new breed, or The New Upholsterers (my trademarked term) are taking this craft to an entirely new, tech savvy level. Click on over to Summerland Style and read about the Sayers’ creative adventures all focused around furniture and interiors.  This beautiful Roman chair was reupholstered for Nia’s loyal client Michele who does home staging as well as working behind the scenes on several television makeover shows. Upholsterers and interior designers is a no brain combination, and Nia the upholsterer has also become Nia the interior designer to her business offerings. The Sayers are one of so many couples carving out the life they want to lead, loving what they do.